Judge creates disorder in the court
This Ohio judge, Dallas Powers, has several sexual harassment complaints filed against him. He hasn't presided in court since the complaints started coming out (though it's unclear from the story whether this is because of the complaints, or just because he’s only a part-time judge). Another judge had issued an order saying that county employees could leave the office if they felt threatened when Powers was there.
So Powers shows up at the court offices Monday, unexpectedly, with letters firing a bunch of people. And with his own order rescinding the order allowing people to leave the building when he was there. His order told them to stay in their offices and communicate with him through another employee.
So, another judge responded to all this by appointing himself presiding judge of the court, and issuing his own order barring Powers from the building through 2/24. On his way out the door, Powers recanted his firings from earlier in the day (I’m guessing he was allowed to do this to save face, rather than having those orders rescinded by the other judge).
And it struck me that this entire story was already done, thirty-odd years ago, as a Monty Python sketch (the whole thing is available here):
Call the next defendant. The Honourable Mr Justice Kilbraken. (a very elderly judge in full robes comes into the dock) If I may charge you m'lud, you are charged m'lud that on the fourteenth day of June 1970, at the Central Criminal Court, you did commit acts likely to cause a breach of the peace. How plead you m'lud, guilty or not guilty?
Judge Kilbraken
Not guilty. Case not proven. Court adjourned.
He hits the dock. Everyone gets up and starts walking out talking to each other.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. (they all stop, go back and sit down again) No, you're in the dock, m'lud.
Judge Kilbraken
I'm a judge, m'lud.
So am I, m'lud, so watch it.
Call exhibit A.
Two court ushers carry in a thing with a sheet over it. They pull off the sheet to reveal a very sexy girl in a provocative pose.
Exhibit A m'lud, Miss Rita Thang, an artist's model, Swedish accordion teacher and cane-chair sales lady, was found guilty under the Rude Behaviour Act in the accused's court. The accused, m'lud, sentenced her to be taken from this place and brought round to his place.
Second Counsel
Objection, m'lud.
Judge Kilbraken
Objection sustained.
You shut up! Objection overruled.
The accused then commented on Miss Thang's bodily structure, made several not-at-all legal remarks on the subject of fun and then placed his robes over his head and began to emit low moans.
Have you anything to say in your defense?
Judge Kilbraken
I haven't had any for weeks.
Death by Scrolling
2 weeks ago
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